Digitalización de los hogares en el Perú 2012-2019: evolución, determinantes y pobreza monetaria
Published in Boletín Económica N°07, 2021
Recommended citation: Clavo, A. & Mendoza, R.(2021). "Digitalización de los hogares en el Perú 2012-2019: evolución, determinantes y pobreza monetaria." Boletin Economica 7.
The development of telecommunications in Peru has allowed more families to access the fixed or mobile Internet. However, the coverage and quality of connectivity are still limited. Likewise, differences in levels of education, income distribution, digital skills, and personal biases condition the interactive uses and beneficial results of the Internet in households. In this sense, the present work poses the following research questions: What are the determinants of the digitization categories in different households? How is the relationship between monetary poverty and the level of digitization of the household? In fact, households are classified according to their degree of internet-related digitization. Additionally, an econometric model of the gologit type (Generalized Ordered Logit) has been estimated to evaluate the determinants of internet access proposed by the literature according to the category of household digitization. In addition, the monetary poverty of the household is contrasted with its level of digitization. Among the main results, it is obtained that the supply variables explain the digital poverty of the households, but the interactive use of the internet depends on sociodemographic variables, mainly in the place of the household income. Furthermore, it is corroborated that digital poverty is weaker than monetary poverty. Finally, as a public policy implication in relation to digital literacy, it suggests infatizing the variable of gender and ethnic origin.
Digital poverty, economic development, monetary poverty and digital literacy
Recommended citation: Clavo, A. & Mendoza, R.(2021). "Digitalización de los hogares en el Perú 2012-2019: evolución, determinantes y pobreza monetaria Number 7." Boletin Economica 7. (7).